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Since we last met I have been working on feeling in the body and just tolerating what is there. This is helping tremendously.

For the past few years, I have had periods of body pains that feel similar to the flu. They can be debilitating due to the headaches on some days, but after 1-3 days they dissipate. Lately, the intensity is increasing and lasting a bit longer than usual. Despite ignoring my body for so many years, I am aware that my body is the strongest intuitive tool I have at the moment.

I am so sensitive and feel energies in my body but don't always know what it is. My question is: Is it possible that the body pains/aches we feel, could be energies other than our own, that are being processed and released? I am not suggesting that I bypass my own work here, but some times I seriously feel that this is not mine. I havent found much info out there on this particular matter, so I wanted to get your input considering your many years as a healer. Have you seen this? If I had more clarity on what is coming up, my own vs the world, I am hoping I will know how best to support my body through these moments.


I am happy you are getting into the practice of sitting in and with your body. It truly is a crucial practice.

Absolutely it is possible that you are taking on other people’s energies. Being body aware when interacting with others be they patients, friends or family members is a good place to start.

Sensitive souls such as yourself can be prone to being absorbent energetically and it takes extra care not to do that. It would be a good practice to fully ground every AM before you start your day.

Pay attention to when these symptoms start: are there specific people that bring it on? Is it worse when you interact when you are not fully rested or present? How is your posture when you are around people or patients?

Grounding bare feet into the earth is quite helpful as is bathing/showering with the intent of having the days' energy wash off of you. Epsom salt baths can also aid the clearing of attached energies.

While fresh in your mind, also examine what was the trigger for the anxiety. Were there specific interactions that were not aligned that then brought on the anxiety? As you sit with the pain, ask your body for guidance for the cause as well is what the remedy is. The body always speaks truth. We just need to learn to listen which means going against ingrained behaviors that are usually early childhood coping and survival mechanisms.

The fact that you are investigating these possibilities will bring the answers that you are seeking. Good on you for doing so. Not always easy but certainly crucial and fruitful.