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For many seekers, the spiritual path is considered to be a movement toward “the light” and does not include the equally important process of delving into, identifying, and integrating repressed aspects of our psyche (the shadow). In this podcast series, we will explore this often overlooked aspect of spiritual work and examine how we often fool ourselves using spirituality to hide our shadow from ourselves and others, rather than honestly facing ourselves. Through lecture, experiential exercises, group discussion, Q&A sessions, and four guided meditations, we will examine some of the common masks we use to hide our shadow side and ways we can begin to productively integrate these aspects of our psyches.

This workshop was recorded on October 30, 2011, at New York Open Center in NYC.

The audio quality reflects the raw and unedited nature of the content, and has been minimally processed.

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Integrating The Shadow: Part 1 Abdi Assadi

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