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QUESTION: I am not sure if you will be able to help me here. I have a dear friend who is a dedicated seeker and has participated in extreme meditation practices and uses many substances, such as CBD/THC, alcohol, psychedelics, etc... It appears that they are in some sort of awakening process - but are also exhibiting schizophrenic and destructive behaviors. This makes me think that during their process they have negative entities attachments. This person is going deeper into this unreal space and is starting to talk about creating their own religion. I fear that they are more aligned with these dark energies than the divine and I am trying to find ways to bring them back to their higher self. Unfortunately, they believe this is where they need to be. What I want to do is gather a list of supports (i.e. websites, energy healers, shamans, etc.) that I can give them in hopes that their higher self is still online and one day they may be open to reaching out. They are on a very destructive path, which they believe is spiritual, but I think are dark forces trying to steer them away from their spiritual path. Do you know of any healers that may be able to help? I don't want to lose them. Thanks much for any advice.

ANSWER: It is difficult and painful to witness another suffer much less a loved one. What is an even more painful fact is that we are helpless in altering another’s path. Only when someone comes to us for assistance directly can we be of assistance. That is not the case here.

The use of mind-altering substances can initiate or mimic spiritual awakening. The intensifying of egoic delusions of grandeur is something that can occur in people undergoing these experiences. That is not an experience that people can be talked out of. Our egos have many tricks up their sleeves to not face their fallacy. Life always knocks sense into such inflation. That inevitable deflation is also part of the awakening process.

Remember that the “higher self” is always online. We never know what is best for us much less what is another’s path. Hold a loving space in your mind for this person. Send them loving thoughts in your meditations daily. Nothing dissolves the pain of forgetfulness like nonattached LOVE. Tend to yourself and make sure that you are holding your own center. Hold on to the wisdom of nonaction and self-attendance. Everything serves our awakening - including the "dark forces".